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Entries tagged with 'address The President of Serbia'
Private addresses of Serbian politicians
Below are addresses of Serbian politicians, their present positions and CV can be found in wikipeadia, people can use this addresses to protest beside houses of politicians or for anything else they imagine they could do, I am not a patron to sya to the people what to do, all of us have a choice and personal affinities:
The President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić (SNS), Bulevar Zorana Djindjića 45i, 11070 New Belgrade
The Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić (SNS), he has several properties, YUBC (YU business center, new belgrade) 10a/8 and 12B (one is address of his former wife and a child, the building known as Little Red Riding Hood in the YUBC resort) and Antifašističke Borbe 17 (his brother Andrej). His parents are living in the street Krunska, there was the HQ of Democratic Party.
The former president Boris Tadić, 15.1.1958, is now in advisory board of Telenor and Unicredit Group. He changed his address, his new house is in Višnjica, Belgrade.
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)
Ivica Dačić, 01.01.1966, Bulevar KN. Aleksandra Karadjordjevića 66, Belgrade, he is the present Minister of Foreign Affairs, the former Minister of Police
Žarko Obradović, 21.05.1960, Koste Glavinića 12A, Savski venac, Belgrade, he was the Minister of Education from 2008 to 2013.
Milutin Mrkonjić, 23.05.1942, Resavska 60, Savski venac, Belgrade (constructions of roads, thief)
Branko Ružić, 14.12.1975, Bulevar KN. Aleksandra Karadjordjevića 72, Belgrade
Democratic Party
Bojan Pajtić, 02.05.1970, Trg carice Milice 4/62, Novi Sad
Dragan Djilas, 22.02.1967, Temišvarska 1, Belgrade (former mayor of belgrade and president of DS, misused his position to make 120 million eur)
Dragan Šutanovac, 24.07.1968, Vojina Djurašinovića 25, Belgrade, he is co-investor in the new building beside the church sveti sava, he has apartment there too: Skerlićeva 20. He propagates the interest of NATO. He was also Minister of Defense.
Božidar Djelić, 01.04.1965, Franje Kluza 6, Belgrade, in January 2014, Djelic joined Lazard Investment Bank in Paris. Propagator of liberal capitalism and selling public sector to the riches.
Gađo Knežević, 15.09.1953, Braće Grim 11, Belgrade
Dragoljub Mićunović, 14.07.1930, Palmira Toljatija 4, New Belgrade
Ružica Djindjić, 25.02.1960, Užička 40, Belgrade (the wife of PM Zoran Djindjić who was assassinated in 2003, Užička is the street of politicians and billionaires)
Aleksandar Vlahović, 02.02.1963, Beogradska 10, Sopot, Belgrade, he was the Minister of the Economy and Privatization and misused and realized the process of transformation from socialism to capitalism. In his time, more than 1300 companies were privatized. He helps to the riches from the West to buy all they want.
Goran Knežević, 12.05.1957, 4. jula 26, Zrenjanin
Dragor Hiber, 04.08.1952, Milutina Milankovića 88, Belgrade
Miroljub Labus, 28.2.1947, Gospodar Jevremova 13, Belgrade (similar to Vlahović, he represented interests of the west billionaires)
Mladjan Dinkić, 20.12.1964, Otona Župančića 32/5, New Belgrade (similar to Vlahović)
Predrag Marković, 7.12.1955, Reljkovićeva 15, Belgrade
Vojislav Koštunica, Gospodar Jevremova 59/4, Belgrade (the former president, helped to the old regime figures to survive pro-EU revolution in Serbia in 2000)
Čedomir Jovanović, 13.4.1971, Takovska 12, Palilula, Belgrade, Pregrevica broj 50, Zemun. He also propagates the interest of NATO. He propagates liberal capitalism, but nobody gives a vote for him anymore.
Žarko Korać, 09.03.1947, Stari Grad, Zmaj – Jovina 13, Belgrade
Nenad Čanak, 02.11.1959, Sonje Marinković 17, Novi Sad
Jožef Kasa, 06.02.1945, Karadjordjev put 7, Subotica
P.S. This is my small revenge because Serbian secret service misuse Serbian criminals in the EU to fuck up my life. Serbian criminals import cocaine to Europe and they supply local criminals i.e. both of them collaborate with the Danish secret service against me. The last evening, they followed me and brought the girl I liked to kiss her in front of me, secret service criminals recruited her to work for the secret service against me (+ she gets money to do it). Some people can say it is stupid, but it is not, they misuse criminals against immigrants and secret service from Denmark and Serbia collaborate against me. They are many, I am just one, but I can fuck them up, for example with publishing addresses of politicians. Addresses of Danish politicians will be in the next article, for now here is the link, they publish it at the website of Danish parliament: http://www.ft.dk/samling/20142/almdel/upv/bilag/32/1536328.pdf