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Entries tagged with 'blake shaw'
Blake Show is a spy, an American living in Berlin and Copenhagen
Blake Show is an American living in Berlin, working for the CIA or any other EU spying agency, his job is to locate “extremists”, militant people, and to sabotage their life, i.e. to isolate them, to turn people against militants. Isolated people are easier to be arrested and they have less influence on other people. He is traveling among countries and infiltrating, from Berlin he jumps to Copenhagen and spend time (befriend) with young anarchists to check their way of thinking, if anyone is militant, he will report him, agents will do shit to him and Blake will turn people against him. Shortly, his job is to report and isolate militants, and the job of secret service agents is to follow the target and destroy his private life (to lose job, to destroy marriage or relationship, to use criminal against him, etc). That’s how secret service works. Collaborators locate and agents destroy the life of the target/militant. I heard him personally when he said that “young anarchists are dumb/idiots and they don’t know anything except to smash something”. He is also mixed in projects related to immigrants, in the time of mass migration, many spies are employed to snitch who is militant among refugees. All refugees are spied and to spy them, spies create groups (of activists) for help to immigrants, to befriend and to betray. Beside bullshit spying activists, the secret service use also Red Cross and churches that are part of colonial politics. Colonial politics includes spying, in Africa, Asia and in Europe. For example, French cut heads in Africa last 300 years, now they are afraid some Africans will cut their heads in Europe, therefore, they spy them when they come to Europe. And they use people like Blake. Considering he came from the US to Berlin, people in Rigaer strasse and similar should be aware of him, never speak in a militant way in front of him, he will report you, he will not follow you around, secret service agents will follow you.
If you check Blake’s work history, you will see that major capitalist media published anything he did, if he farts, they will glorify him: The Atlantic, Huffington Post, Haaretz, Wooster Collective, The Creators Project, New York Times Saturday, etc. It means he has some person in the shadow to provide him all doors open, anywhere he goes, whatever he does. That’s typical for the secret service, they support their spies to infiltrate anywhere they want, in the case of Denmark, Danish spies used local spies to help him to infiltrate among Danish anarchists. All those that included/helped him, they also spies too. Spies always use recommendations, they never come to spy unprepared.
Blake Shaw (born 1988 Louisville, KY, USA, whitepages shows PO Box 648, Louisville, KY 40201-0648, his grandfather house: Edward R. Sansbury, 1522 Thackeray Dr, Louisville, KY 40205-2410) is a multimedia artist who works at the intersection of video, performance, software, sound and telecommunication technology. He is most well known for his work under the alias SWEATSHOPPE with Bruno Levy (they have worked on over 50 commercial campaigns and events across the US, Europe, South America and Asia over the past 7 years). He currently lives and works in Berlin, where he runs the atelier ALTER PROJECTS (Thulestrasse 54, House 2 (right), Berlin, Germany). His co-workers there are surely spies the same as he is: Will Martin, Kieran Behan, Sally Montes, Wallin.