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Entries tagged with 'blockchain intelligence'
Greedy predators that make Bitcoin transactions and Tor traceable for the law enforcement
Here are some information about BTC and Tor snitches, although the whole Internet is more or less under control of the CIA, i.e. the manufacturers of hardware and software and the owners of ISP companies like AT&T and Verizon are kissing the NSA/CIA in the ass, to profit. They are not some good guys, they are snitches greedy for profit (and many are surely financial criminals who never reported themselves to the police). Today, the topic is bitcoin and Tor, there are people who help to the cops to track down users. So, if you are arrested or your friends get arrested, here is the info about those that damaged your life and freedom. The next topic/article will be about NATO spies.
Elliptic is located in the UK: 22 Upper Ground, London, SE1 9PD. Elliptic is a company that considers itself “the global standard for Blockchain intelligence”. The company provides tools to identify illicit activity on the Bitcoin blockchain and provides data to financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. Their tech has been effective in major international investigations. They also provide L.E agencies with support in investigations so that these can interpret and act upon the data uncovered.
James Smith, CEO & Co-Founder
Tom Robinson, COO & Co-Founder
Adam Joyce, Chief Scientist & Co-Fo
Lead investor for this company is Paladin Capital Group, it means they started as snitches involving themselves into Bitcoin. Paladin is the NSA company.
CipherTrace, Inc., is a provider of Bitcoin and blockchain forensic and investigation tools for law enforcement and financial services. CipherTrace, Inc., 68 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, United States.
Numisight provides a publically available app that allows users to visualize blockchain data. The owner is: Danno Ferrin, 5828 Revelstoke Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80924, US.
Chainalysis company is founded in 2015 and it focuses on blockchain analysis. It is the provider of Anti-Money Laundering software for Bitcoin. Chainalysis focuses on providing solutions for corporations, allowing them to to assess risk in the Bitcoin economy. However, Chainalysis also focuses on helping the law enforcement. They have a partnership with Europol and other international law enforcement agencies and provide web based investigation tools that are used globally to track, apprehend, and convict money launderers and cyber criminals. These tools allow L.E to identify criminal activity, connect victims to criminal revenue and trace the services that criminals use to exchange BTC for fiat or other cryptos.
The company is registered in New York city, but managers are from Denmark and from NY.
Chainalysis Inc., 43 West 23rd Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10010.
Michael Grønager, the CEO, Co-founder, Jens Juels Gade 33, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. Michael is also Co-Founder of Kraken in San Francisco.
Jan Møller, CTO, Co-founder, living in Aarhus, Denmark.
Jonathan Levin, CRO, Co-founder, living in New York.
Simon Ousager Andersen, Amagerbrogade 180, st. tv, 2300 Copenhagen S. He is an account executive at Chainalysis.
Lead investor: Point Nine Capital.
The Blockchain Intelligence Group (BIG) launched QLUE, platform to aid in the fight against financial crimes involving Bitcoin, which incorporates various techniques and advanced search algorithms to detect suspicious activity within Bitcoin transactions, use of “Dark Web” tools such as Tor, and other methods.
Blockchain Intelligence Group, Headquarter, Suite 114 – 990 Beach Ave, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2N9, Canada.
Lance Morginn, CEO & Co-Founder, Shone Anstey, President & Founder, Anthony Zelen, Co-Founder – VP Corporate Development.
Shone Anstey home address: 3740 Shuswap Ave, Richmond BC, V7E3T3.
Lance Morginn, possible address: 2287 3rd Ave W 101, Vancouver BC, V6K1L5.