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Entries tagged with 'Daniele Cortelli'
Italy: 30 searches and 5 arrests for the attacks of Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
Unfortunately, there are bad news, dogs of billionaires, the cops, spies, prosecutors, are continuing to create totalitarian system: mass surveillance and repression. We must express solidarity and spread the news that will produce anger and actions against the state and riches.
Italy: 30 searches and 5 arrests for the attacks of Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
The fund-raise for the comrades in prison is active.
To send solidarity contribution:
N° Carta PostePay (PostePay Card number): 4023 6009 1934 2891
Account name: Omar Nioi
Regarding the addresses, at the moment we know that the comrades are in the following prisons:
Below are their mailing addresses (that may change at any time):
Marco Bisesti
Alessandro Mercogliano
C.R. Rebibbia, Via Raffaele Majetti 70, 00156 Roma, Italia
Anna Beniamino
C.C. Via Aurelia nord km 79,500 n. snc 00053 Civitavecchia, Italia
Emiliano Danilo Cremonese
C.C. Via San Donato 2, 65129 Pescara, Italia
Valentina Speziale
C.C. Via Ettore Ianni 30, 66100 Chieti, Italia
Nicola and Alfredo are held in the AS2 wing of Ferrara prison:
Nicola Gai
Alfredo Cospito
C.C. Via dell’Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, Italia
Daniele, an editor of Croce Nera Anarchica, was captured that same day in the context of another arrest proceeding, after police found some batteries and an electrician’s manual in his apartment. He is likely to face charges of “possession of materials for the manufacture of explosive devices”.
The comrade can be contacted at:
Daniele Cortelli
C.C. Regina Coeli, Via della Lungara 29, 00165 Roma, Italia
Omar Nioi-CNA
croceneranarchica + contrainfo
(translated by anarhija.info)
In the early hours of September 6, an operation coordinated by the Digos [political police] of Turin led the searches of 30 homes in various Italian regions and the arrest of five anarchist comrades accused of subversive association with terrorist intent: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina; in addition, a notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo.
The operation, called “Scripta Manent” tries to connect them with a series of direct actions claimed by the Informal Anarchist Federation, that are done in the last 10 years.
The parcel-bombs sent to the CPT’s [detention centres for immigrants] director in Modena in May 2005,
to the traffic-cops barracks in Torino-San Salvario and to the chief-police of Lecce (claimed by FAI/Narodnaja Volja),
the explosive device against the RIS barracks [carabinieri forensics] in Parma (October 24, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare),
the parcel-bomb sent to the Mayor of Bologna Sergio Cofferati (November 2, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare),
the devices against the carabinieri cadets’ barracks in Fossano (June 2, 2006, claimed by FAI/RAT-Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda),
the devices placed in the Turin neighborhood, Crocetta (March 7, 2007, claimed by FAI/RAT);
among the other actions also the wounding of Adinolfi (May 7, 2012), despite the fact that two comrades have already been convicted and have publicly claimed this attack.
The servants of riches, the cops, spies and prosecutors, used even linguistic and graphology experts (to compare present website/magazine writings with the statements given before 10 years for some attacks), in addition to electronic and computer surveillance, and tailing (mainstream media in Italy published police video surveillance of Anna Beniamino, the spies placed bugs in her home in Bordighera in July 2015 and spied her and her friends one year).
This repression is created to scare spectrum of people and to keep rebels behind the bars, with this or that charges, most will drop or they will set up a judge that kiss in the ass morons from the secret service. They din’t catch them in action, they charge them for something that happened before 10 years, it means they will drop charges or they will set up a judge that sell his ass for money.
Spies and cops arrested them also to demand more money from the state budget “to fight extremism” and make themsleves rich, we should always remember that security is business in capitalism.
They misuse this arrest also to make fear in society with the help of mainstream media, to justify mass surveillance, repression i.e. building of totalitarian capitalism.
They arrested them and to beat them, to scare them, to push them to confess, they can use prisoners (organized criminals) against them, etc. I hope they will survive this repression and be free soon.
Italian anarchist black cross (croce nera anarchica) is stil alive at: https://www.autistici.org/cna
You can use Tor or some VPN and read the news or translate it from Italian to English with some online translator.