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Entries tagged with 'prisons'
Solidarity Fund for greek anarchist prisoners
I didn’t login to this blog since 2017 and of course I forgot password and I don’t use the same email to reset password for wordpress. Administrators didn’t want to give me password to login, therefore I had to make and use password text file in which I wrote 400 possible passwords I used in the last 7 years, I was lucky, software for bruteforce of password found correct password at number 30. But when software scanned website, it said to me that administrators didn’t update wordpress since 2021, it means hackers can find bugs, vulnerabilities, exploit it and destroy 2000 anarchist and leftist blogs at this hosting: blackblog.org. you should ask administrators why thehy are so lazy, they offer hosting of blogs, but they didn’t update wordpress 4 years, they don’t have responsibility.
In any case, I found password for my blog and now I can continue to post my articles here, unfortunately admin set up making new articles by using blocks instea of old editor, it was easier before to edit articles with old editor. My first article is something what is important to me, the ruling class make reporession against anarchists to isolate us from friends and society, they kidnapp/imprison us, and we should take care to stay in contact with arrested anarchists, hostages of the state and if we can we should help them financially. Most anarchists who live in west europe can have job with 1500 euro salary and they can donate some ammount of money or they can organize concerts in squats and they can collect money. I hope some anarchists will read this blog and donate money to greek Solidarity fund for anarchist prisoners, hostages of the Greek ruling class, if you can help with donations or you want to write letters to some prisoner, you can get information about addresses or how to send money at next email: tameio@espiv.net
Here are names of prisoners who get help from Tameio fund:
- Costas Sakkas (Korydallos prison, Korydallos, Postal Code 18110)
- Spyros Christodoulou (Korydallos Detention Center, 6th Ward, Postal Code 18110)
- Dimitris Koufontinas (Domokos Detention Center, Domokos, Postal Code 35010)
- Savvas Xiros (Korydallos Prison Hospital, Korydallos, Postal Code 18122)
- Andreas Floros (Amfissa Prison)
- Sinan Oktay Özen (Larissa prisons)
- Sofoklis Toutziarakis (Agios Stefanos Prison, Patras, A’ Wing, Postal Code 25200)
- Yiannis Karatsolis (Malandrinou Prison, Postal Code 33053)
- Nikos Romanos (Korydallos Reservation Office, Korydallos, Postal Code 18110)
- Dimitris (Korydallos Reservation Office, Korydallos, Postal Code 18110)
- Marianna Manoura (Korydallos Women’s Prison, zip code 18110)
- Dimitra Z. (Korydallos Women’s Prison, postcode 18110)
- K.K. (Cassavetia Prisons)
Political prisoners in Greek prisons:
- Nikos Maziotis (Domokos Detention Center, Domokos, Postal Code 35010)
- Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis (Domokos Detention Center, Domokos, Postal Code 35010)