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Entries tagged with 'denmark'
Denmark is polluter No4 in the world, Maersk company is a disaster for the nature, 600 cargo ships, one spend 80 000 liters bunker oil per day
Despite the wind power that covered 41% of all electricity used in Denmark during the first half of 2014, Denmark is among the world’s top 4 polluters, just after Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates. Researchers at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) measured how countries around the world consume fossil fuels and looked at other relevant factors including forestry, fishing and farming methods. If everyone in the world lived like a Dane, the global population would need the resources from about 4.5 Earth-like planets. The report also found that world populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles fell overall by 52 percent between 1970 and 2010. Danish based Maersk company pollute the nature more than the whole Denmark together. They transport products from China to Europe with cargo ships, therefore, they don’t pollute only Danish sea, they pollute the whole world. More about Maersk below. Here are Danish politicians that serve the interest of billionaires who exploit people and nature, in the name of profit (even they have so much money they can’t spend it how much they have it, rich people are mental cases, they use drugs too much).
The present Prime Minister is Lars Lokke Rasmussen: Heibergsgade 18, 3th floor, 1056 København K.
NGO: Løkke Fonden, Bredgade 30, 1260 København K (how many companies gave money to this NGO? Or they send money directly to the secret bank account in Monaco?)
Screenshots of all spies around his house, below is the video: https://archive.org/details/allspies and here also: https://amateurs2016.wordpress.com
Here are addresses of many Danish politicians, the list of candidates for elections in 2015, including their private addresses: Danish politicians 2015.
Helle Thorning-Schmidt was the Prime Minister, she got a new job in London from the CIA (Save the Children, NGO), maybe her family is still living on the mentioned address in this file. Søren Pind was the Minister of Justice until Nov. 2016, he is a corporate fascist obsessed with immigrants, he also supports secret service to do activities against immigrants, etc. It is the same case with the new justice minister Søren Pape Poulsen. Billionaires also use secret service to corrupt leftist politicians, to control leftist and communist parties and members (Enhedslisten). corrupted leftists got a job from the secret service to include militant leftist in the system and provide them with high paid jobs to push them to sell themselves for money, to become the part of the system. Capitalism absorbed hippies and punk, capitalists absorb/include revolutionary leftists in the system, they give them position in the parliament and 7 000 Eur monthly salary. Click Continue Reading below to read more…
Pictures are thumbs, small, click it to make it bigger
Danish billionaires that are the government in the shadow:
Ane Maersk Mc Kinney Uggla is the owner of Maersk company, and her son Robert will inherit company after her, their private address is (300m from the headquarter): Toldbodgade 36A, 4 (floor), th (th means on the right), 1253 Copenhagen K.
Since September 2016, Robert is the second person in company, after his mother Ane that is Number 1. Rich people always make many companies or holdings or foundations, but Ane and Robert office address is Esplanaden 15, just beside their Maersk HQ in Esplanaden 50. Maybe I wrote some other address (Amaliegade 33B) in the video. They have offices all over the city for CEOs of each department of Maersk company.
Ane Maersk Uggla is born 1948, she manages the Board of Directors: A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S.
Other management: A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal (chairman); Den A.P. Møllerske StøtteFond (Chairman); A.P. Møller Holding A/S (chairman); Maersk Broker A/S (chairman); Maersk Broker K/S (chairman); Estemco A/S (chairman).
Maersk family is a Danish family although Ane and Robert can have Swedish citizenship and address, but the company is also Danish based, with a HQ in Copenhagen. Her sisters are also living in Denmark, Roberts’s wife is from Malmo and Ane husband is a Swedish military officer.
Maersk family are the exploiters that profit from the war for oil, they are connected with military intelligence, they finance politicians too. Consequently, the politicians and their repressive forces are serving the interest of this family. This family is the government from the shadow, Danish state departments are doing everything for them, although in the last 3 years, the CIA and American banks corrupted Danish politicians too. Those who own American military industry, so-called defense contractors (Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, etc.). In 2017, it is a question if Danish politicians are working for Ane or for the CIA. It is visible about the war for oil in energy countries, after the war and the killing of Saddam Hussein (and million people beside Saddam), Mærsk company got a contract to exploit oil in Iraq. But the CIA serves American billionaires and made advices to Obama to make the price war about oil “with Russia”, in fact they make the price war with all non-American oil companies that are target of American billionaires (destroy the value of companies and buy it for 1/5 of the price). Maersk oil is losing the profit because of American oil war “with Russia”, it means, the value of the company is going down, therefore, Ane and Robert separated Maersk oil from the rest of the company, in the end of 2016. Maersk oil production comes from Denmark, the UK, Qatar, Kazakhstan, the US Gulf of Mexico, Algeria, Brazil, Angola, Norway, Greenland, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Consequently, Maersk and Danish politicians care who will be the government in all these countries. The profit of billionaires is the root of colonial politics. Click Continue Reading below to read more …
Danish spies that protect Danish Prime Minister, recorded
Screenshots of all spies: https://archive.org/details/allspies
Here are addresses of many Danish politicians, Helle Thorning-Schmidt was the Prime Minister but she got the job in London, possibly her family is maybe still on the mentioned address. Søren Pind is the present Minister of Justice, obssessed with immigrants, he also supports secret service to do activities against immigrants, etc. Billionaires also use secret service to corrupt leftists, to control leftist and communist parties and members (Enhedslisten), corrupted leftists include militant leftist in the system and provide them very good paid job and they sell themselves for money. Capitalism absorbed hippies and punk, capitalists absorb/include revolutionary leftists in the system, they give them position in the parliament and 7 000 Eur salary.
By the way, present Prime Minister is Lars Lokke Rasmussen: Heibergsgade 18, 3th floor, 1056 København K.
NGO: Løkke Fonden, Bredgade 30, 1260 København K
The former Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen was also the head of NATO, possibly Maersk helped him to get such position, to realize their interests and to profit from the war. Since 2014, Rasmussen has his own company for consulting and the CIA helps him to travel to different universities all over Europe and get money for speeches. His twitter and facebook accounts can give you information where he makes speeches. The address of his company Rasmussen Global in Copenhagen: Christian IX’s Gade 7, 4th floor, 1111 Copenhagen (http://www.proff.dk/firma/rasmussen-global/k%C3%B8benhavn-k/-/50078762-0/)
His high school is from Viborg city, and his father is Knud, there is knud Rasmussen in the phone book: Bellisvej 14, 1st floor on the left, 8800 Viborg
His wife Anne-Mette Rasmussen started to study theology at the University of Copenhagen (Købmagergade 44-46).
Danish billionaires that are the government in the shadow:
Ane Maersk Mc Kinney Uggla is the owner of Maersk company, and her son Robert will inherit company, their private address is Toldbodgade 36A, 4 (floor), th (th means on the right), 1253 Copenhagen K.
From September 2016, Robert is the second person in Maersk after his mother Ane that is Number 1. Robert has now a new working address as explained in the video (at the maersk foundation, Amaliegade 33B, 1256 København).
Valgte kandidater for Hovedstaden (Elected candidates for Capital)
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Helle Thorning-Schmidt, statsminister (the former PM, she got a job in London)
Kuhlausgade 40, 2100 København Ø
2 Peter Hummelgaard Thomsen, konsulent
Oehlenschlægersgade 8 A,3 tv., 1663 København V
3 Yildiz Akdogan, cand.scient.pol.
Ørholmgade 7,4. tv, 2200 København N
4 Mette Reissmann, konsulent
Østerled 3,1. th, 2100 København Ø
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Ida Auken, fhv. minister
Folkets Alle 21,st, 2000 Frederiksberg
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Pia Olsen Dyhr, fhv. minister
Svenstrupvej 5, 2700 Brønshøj
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Simon Emil Ammitzbøll, gruppeformand
Masnedøgade 6 E,2.,-22, 2100 København Ø
2 Laura Lindahl, rådmand
Henrik Ibsens Vej 42,4. th, 1813 Frederiksberg C
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Peter Skaarup, sekretariatschef
2 Martin Henriksen, chauffør (always talking against immigrants)
Mågevænget 44, 2791 Dragør
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Søren Pind, fhv. minister (the present minister of justice, always talking about and against immigrants)
Lundehusvej 13, 2100 København Ø
2 Jan E. Jørgensen, advokat
C.F. Richs Vej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, studerende (leftist working for the secret service)
Blågårdsgade 29 E,4. th, 2200 København N
2 Finn Sørensen, arbejdsmand
Amager Boulevard 125,3. th, 2300 København S
3 Pelle Dragsted, politisk rådgiver (former supporter of FARC, absorbed by capitalism)
Amicisvej 17, 1852 Frederiksberg C
Å. Alternativet
1 Uffe Elbæk, fhv. minister
Alhambravej 22,2. tv, 1826 Frederiksberg C
2 Carolina Magdalene Maier, centerleder
c/o Hvf. Lindevang Hus. 32, Peter Bangs Vej 220, 2000 Frederiksberg
Udvalget til Prøvelse af Valgene 2014-15 (2. samling)
UPV Alm.del Bilag 32
Københavns Omegns Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Mette Frederiksen, justitsminister
Egebjerg Bygade 79, 2750 Ballerup
2 Mattias Tesfaye, murersvend
Øresundsvej 142 D,st th, 2300 København S
3 Mogens Lykketoft, fhv. minister
Trepilevej 1 B, 2930 Klampenborg
4 Morten Bødskov, fhv. minister (former minister of justice)
Egilsgade 17,5. tv, 2300 København S
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Sofie Carsten Nielsen, forskningsminister
Ravnsborg Tværgade 6,2., 2200 København N
C. Det Konservative Folkeparti
1 Rasmus Jarlov, selvstændig
Rødkildevej 50, 2400 København NV
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Holger K. Nielsen, fhv. minister
Christen Bergs Allé 20, 2500 Valby
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Joachim B. Olsen, selvstændig
Kong Hans Alle 98, 2860 Søborg
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Pia Kjærsgaard, fhv. partiformand (former leader of the danish people party, hard core racists)
Kærmindevej 31, 2820 Gentofte
2 Mikkel Dencker, serviceassistent
3 Kenneth Kristensen Berth, specialkonsulent
Nørrebred 3, 2625 Vallensbæk
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Karen Ellemann, fhv. minister
Skovvej 16, 2930 Klampenborg
2 Morten Løkkegaard, selvstændig
Lille Fredensvej 7,1., 2920 Charlottenlund
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Søren Søndergaard, arbejdsløs (leftist working for the secret service, he had 8000 eur salaru in the EU parliament, now he has 7000 eur in the Danish parliament, he gets only 3000 votes)
Vadgårdsvej 133, 2860 Søborg
Å. Alternativet
1 Ulla Sandbæk, pastor emeritus
Ellegårdsvej 25,st tv, 2820 Gentofte
Nordsjællands Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Nick Hækkerup, sundhedsminister
Skrænten 7, Gadevang, 3400 Hillerød
2 Christine Antorini, undervisningsminister
Nørrebrogade 38,4. tv, 2200 København N
3 Pernille Schnoor, gymnasielærer
Ørbæksvej 17 A, 2970 Hørsholm
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Martin Lidegaard, udenrigsminister
C. Det Konservative Folkeparti
1 Mette Abildgaard, pr- og kommunikationsmedarbejder
Markmandsgade 21,5. th, 2300 København S
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Trine Torp, psykolog
Vinderød Skov 71, 3300 Frederiksværk
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Anders Samuelsen, partileder
Solbakkevej 1, 8700 Horsens
2 May-Britt Buch-Kattrup, selvstændig
Donse Avlsgård, Donsevej 16, Gunderød, 2970 Hørsholm
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Marlene Harpsøe, kontorassistent
2 Pia Adelsteen, selvstændig
Hou Skovvej 7, 9550 Mariager
3 Jan Erik Messmann, kaptajn
Eventyrhaven 7, 3460 Birkerød
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Sophie Løhde, ha.kom.
Fredericiagade 14 A,3., 1310 København K
2 Claus Hjort Frederiksen, fhv. minister
Gl Strandvej 40, 3050 Humlebæk
3 Hans Andersen, cand.merc.aud.
Fyrrebakken 24, 3600 Frederikssund
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Maria Reumert Gjerding, miljøpolitisk medarbejder
Å. Alternativet
1 Christian Poll, miljøpolitisk rådgiver
Sjælsøvej 52, 3460 Birkerød
Bornholms Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Lea Wermelin, ac-medarbejder
Blågårds Plads 25,3. tv, 2200 København N
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Peter Juel Jensen, skolelærer
Ndr Ellebygård, Ellebyvej 11, Vestermarie, 3700 Rønne
Valgte kandidater for Sjælland-Syddanmark
Sjællands Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Magnus Heunicke, transportminister
Rolighedsvej 95, 4700 Næstved
2 Astrid Krag, fhv. minister
Carlsgade 8,st, 2300 København S
3 Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil, ledelseskonsulent
Falkoner Alle 80,5. tv, 2000 Frederiksberg
4 Henrik Sass Larsen, erhvervsminister
Ved Stranden 20,4., 1061 København K
5 Rasmus Horn Langhoff, historiker
Lemberggade 2,2. tv, 2300 København S
6 Lennart Damsbo-Andersen, tømrer
Enghavevej 35, 4892 Kettinge
7 Kaare Dybvad, projektchef
Mikkel Vibes Gade 2,3. th, 1417 København K
8 Mette Gjerskov, fhv. minister
Frederiksborgvej 572, Gundsømagle, 4000 Roskilde
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Zenia Stampe, fuldmægtig
C. Det Konservative Folkeparti
1 Brian Mikkelsen, fhv. minister
Høyrups Alle 37, 2900 Hellerup
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Jacob Mark, studerende
Pærehaven 16, 4600 Køge
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Villum Christensen, selvstændig
Lorupvej 46, Bøstrup, 4200 Slagelse
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Søren Espersen, journalist
Køng Mark 30, 4750 Lundby
2 Liselott Blixt, sosu-assistent
Blåhegnet 36, 2670 Greve
3 René Christensen, automekaniker
Systofte Skolevej 2 B, Systofte, 4800 Nykøbing F
4 Karin Nødgaard, lærer
Egemosevej 29, Jystrup, 4174 Jystrup Midtsj
5 Merete Dea Larsen, farmakonom
Enghaven 51, Svogerslev, 4000 Roskilde
6 Henrik Brodersen, vvs-montør
Næstved Landevej 603, Venslev, 4243 Rude
7 Jeppe Jakobsen, bestyrelsesformand
Vænget 2 B,st th, 4400 Kalundborg
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Lars Løkke Rasmussen, fhv. minister
2 Marcus Knuth, selvstændig
Gothersgade 91,2. tv, 1123 København K
3 Jacob Jensen, cand.merc.jur.
Overdrevsvej 11, Undløse, 4340 Tølløse
4 Bertel Haarder, fhv. minister
A.L. Drewsens Vej 6, 2100 København Ø
5 Louise Schack Elholm, fuldmægtig
Lokesvej 4, 4180 Sorø
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Christian Juhl, arbejdsmand
Bindslevs Plads 12, 8600 Silkeborg
2 Eva Flyvholm, politisk medarbejder
Kløverbladsgade 50,st, 2500 Valby
Å. Alternativet
1 Rasmus Nordqvist, designer
Stevnsgade 1,1. tv, 2200 København N
Fyns Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Dan Jørgensen, minister
Havnegade 45, 4., 1058 København K
2 Jan Johansen, servicemedarbejder
Højen 2 A, 5330 Munkebo
3 Trine Bramsen, seniorkonsulent
4 Erik Christensen, lærer
Granvej 35, 5540 Ullerslev
5 Julie Skovsby, cand.scient.pol.
Egilsvej 88, Højstrup, 5210 Odense NV
C. Det Konservative Folkeparti
1 Mai Mercado, cand.scient.pol.
Moltkesvej 63, 1., 2000 Frederiksberg
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Karsten Hønge, tømrersvend
Villestoftehegnet 230, Villestofte, 5210 Odense NV
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Merete Riisager, konsulent
Strandlodsvej 91, 2300 København S
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Jens Henrik W. Thulesen Dahl, arbejdsmiljøkonsulent
Filshuse 14, Sandager, 5610 Assens
2 Alex Ahrendtsen, forlægger
Åsumvej 269, 5240 Odense NØ
3 Pernille Bendixen, dagplejer
Ellekratvej 63, Ejlstrup, 5200 Odense V
4 Dorthe Ullemose, socialpædagog
Skårupøre Strandvej 100 A, 5881 Skårup Fyn
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Erling Bonnesen, revisor
Kløverbakken 12, Nr Broby, 5672 Broby
2 Lars Chr. Lilleholt, journalist
Langelinie 56, 5230 Odense M
3 Jane Heitmann, cand.mag.
Strandgårdsparken 172, 5600 Faaborg
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Pernille Skipper, cand.jur. ((leftist working for the secret service, she is in the fake racist civilian control of the secret service (Oversight), they support secret service to use criminals against immigrants, to create terrorist cases under their control, etc)
Adressebeskyttelse (hidden address, she sold in February the flat in Sønder Boulevard 64, 1. th. 1720 København V, after just 3 years she sold it for 150 000 eur more, she bought it for 1.5 and sold it for 2.7 million dkk, she speculates with property and make herself rich)
2 Rune Lund, konsulent
Bjelkes Allé 54,2., 2200 København N
Å. Alternativet
1 Roger Matthisen, teaterinstruktør
Manøgade 9,st tv, 2100 København Ø
Sydjyllands Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Bjarne Corydon, finansminister
Livornovej 25, 2300 København S
2 Benny Engelbrecht, skatteminister
Egevej 7, Adsbøl, 6300 Gråsten
3 Karen J. Klint, institutionsleder
Nederager 27, 7120 Vejle Øst
4 Jesper Petersen, ba.scient.pol.
Asger Rygs Gade 19,3. tv, 1727 København V
5 Christian Rabjerg Madsen, udviklingskonsulent
Fynsvej 17,3. th, 6000 Kolding
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Lotte Rod, cand.scient.pol.
Amagerfælledvej 33,5. th, 2300 København S
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Mette Bock, selvstændig
Sehestedsvej 4, 8700 Horsens
2 Henrik Dahl, forfatter
Byenden 25, Sigerslev, 4660 Store Heddinge
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Kristian Thulesen Dahl, cand.merc.jur.
Jernbanealle 12, Thyregod, 7323 Give
2 Peter Kofod Poulsen, lærerstuderende
Rolighedsvej 30,2., 6100 Haderslev
3 Jan Rytkjær Callesen, selvstændig
Gammelskovvej 15, Pøl, 6430 Nordborg
4 Karina Adsbøl, sosu-assistent
Koldingvej 17, Hjarup, 6580 Vamdrup
5 Marie Krarup, gymnasielærer
Küchlersgade 35, 1774 København V
6 Susanne Eilersen, merkonom
Lunddalvej 3, Erritsø, 7000 Fredericia
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Carl Holst, regionsrådsformand
Nordhaven 5, 6630 Rødding
2 Ellen Trane Nørby, cand.mag.
Strandvej 9,2., 6400 Sønderborg
3 Eva Kjer Hansen, fhv. minister
Gamle Kongevej 33,st, 6200 Aabenraa
4 Hans Christian Schmidt, fhv. minister
Friggsvang 3, 6500 Vojens
5 Anni Matthiesen, koordinator
Egebjerg Landevej 14, Krogager Mk, 7200 Grindsted
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Henning Hyllested, havnearbejder
Spangsbjerghaven 81, 6700 Esbjerg
Valgte kandidater for Midtjylland-Nordjylland
Østjyllands Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Nicolai Wammen, forsvarsminister
Havneholmen 30,3. tv, 1561 København V
2 Kirsten Brosbøl, miljøminister
Delfingade 27,st, 1325 København K
3 Henrik Dam Kristensen, minister
Jyllandsgade 6, 7200 Grindsted
4 Maja Panduro, ba.scient.pol.
Søren Møllers Gade 9 B,4. tv, 8900 Randers C
5 Jens Joel, sekretariatschef
Gudrunsvej 58,2. mf, 8220 Brabrand
6 Leif Lahn Jensen, havnearbejder
Anemonevej 13, 8500 Grenaa
7 Daniel Toft Jakobsen, specialkonsulent
Spættevej 11, Ø Snede, 8723 Løsning
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Morten Østergaard, økonomiminister
Oxford Have 19, 2300 København S
C. Det Konservative Folkeparti
1 Naser Khader, senioranalytiker
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Jonas Dahl, fhv. minister
Avnbølvej 9, 8240 Risskov
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Ole Birk Olesen, redaktør
Toftøjevej 39, 2720 Vanløse
2 Carsten Bach, geolog
Edelsmindevej 7, Høver, 8464 Galten
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Mette Hjermind Dencker, terapeut
2 Hans Kristian Bundgaard-Skibby, speditør
Sikavej 23, 7160 Tørring
3 Tilde Bork, studerende
Brorsonsvej 49,2. th, 7400 Herning
4 Kim Christiansen, direktør
Hou Skovvej 7, 9550 Mariager
5 Claus Kvist Hansen, sekr.leder
Byvangen 81, 8700 Horsens
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, cand.jur.
Ledreborg Alle 7,1., 2820 Gentofte
2 Britt Bager, pressekonsulent
3 Michael Aastrup Jensen, fhv. borgmester
Dybdalen 12, Assentoft, 8960 Randers SØ
4 Troels Lund Poulsen, fhv. minister
Bukkerupvej 153, Bukkerup, 4340 Tølløse
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Nikolaj Villumsen, studerende
Møntmestervej 6 A,2. tv, 2400 København NV
2 Søren Egge Rasmussen, bestyrelsesformand
Hjortshøj Møllevej 162, 8530 Hjortshøj
Å. Alternativet
1 Josephine Fock, sekretariatschef
Regitsevej 4, 2300 København S
Vestjyllands Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Annette Lind, lærer
Gøgeurten 22, Mejrup, 7500 Holstebro
2 Mogens Jensen, handelsminister
Julius Thomsens Gade 12,2. tv, 1632 København V
3 Thomas Jensen, konsulent
Overbyvej 3, Seest, 6000 Kolding
4 Karin Gaardsted, fhv. viceborgmester
Hedevænget 33, 8800 Viborg
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Andreas Steenberg, gymnasielærer
Heibergsgade 24,2. th, 8000 Aarhus C
C. Det Konservative Folkeparti
1 Søren Pape, partiformand
Anlægget 3 N, 8850 Bjerringbro
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Leif Mikkelsen, fhv. gårdejer
Sindingvej 58, 8600 Silkeborg
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Dennis Flydtkjær, fhv. selvstændig
Ørskovbakken 42, Snejbjerg, 7400 Herning
2 Christian Langballe, sognepræst
Nedergårdsvej 2, Foulum, 8830 Tjele
3 Karina Due, koordinator
Nørskovlundvej 62, Frausing, 8620 Kjellerup
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Inger Støjberg, fhv. minister
Elmevej 6, 9560 Hadsund
2 Kristian Jensen, fhv. minister
Ydertoften 18, Lind, 7400 Herning
3 Esben Lunde Larsen, cand.theol.,ph.d.
Nørresande 9, 6960 Hvide Sande
4 Thomas Danielsen, bankrådgiver
Brogården 1,2. tv, 7500 Holstebro
5 Kristian Pihl Lorentzen, major
Hermelinvej 4, 8643 Ans By
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Jakob Sølvhøj, sektorformand
Sortemosevej 157, 2730 Herlev
Å. Alternativet
1 René Gade, kontaktchef
Georg Krügers Vej 67, 8600 Silkeborg
Nordjyllands Storkreds
A. Socialdemokratiet
1 Bjarne Laustsen, maskinarbejder
Drosselvænget 2, 9530 Støvring
2 Orla Hav, lærer
Vangen 71, 9400 Nørresundby
3 Simon Kollerup, konsulent
Strandvejen 62, Lildstrand, 7741 Frøstrup
4 Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen, konsulent
Norgesgade 19, 1, 2300 København S
5 Flemming Møller Mortensen, sygeplejerske
Siemvej 8, St. Brøndum, 9520 Skørping
6 Rasmus Prehn, gymnasielærer
Peder Pårs Vej 10, 9000 Aalborg
B. Radikale Venstre
1 Marianne Jelved, kulturminister
Buddingevej 44 B, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
F. SF – Socialistisk Folkeparti
1 Lisbeth Bech Poulsen, fuldmægtig
Rørholmsgade 4,st, 1352 København K
I. Liberal Alliance
1 Christina Egelund, selvstændig
Ågade 15, 1., 9000 Aalborg
O. Dansk Folkeparti
1 Bent Bøgsted, maskinarbejder
Skævevej 90, 9352 Dybvad
2 Morten Marinus, sygehusportør
Fælledvej 61, 9493 Saltum
3 Lise Bech, bogholder
Hjedsbækvej 19, Juelstrup, 9530 Støvring
4 Ib Poulsen, havnebetjent
Grandetoften 9, Kallerup, 7700 Thisted
V. Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti
1 Søren Gade, fhv. minister
Kroghsvej 28, 7500 Holstebro
2 Preben Bang Henriksen, advokat
Horsevænget 3, 9000 Aalborg
3 Karsten Lauritzen, bachelor
Østergade 32 C,2. tv, 9800 Hjørring
4 Torsten Schack Pedersen, cand.polit.
Lokesvej 4, 4180 Sorø
Ø. Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne
1 Stine Brix, medicinstuderende
Provstevej 18,2., 2400 København NV
Å. Alternativet
1 Torsten Gejl, direktør
Kastrupvej 21, Kastrup, 8544 Mørke
the secret service spies:
Markus Tærsbøl
Frederiksvej 7a, 1th (th = on the right)
2000 Frederiksberg
the whole family at:
rosenørns alle 43B, 1tv (1st floor on the left), Frederiksberg (part of copenhagen), their flat is visible from the back of the building, Fuglevangsvej.
Collaboration of Danish secret service and criminals + Methods of work of secret service
Hells Angels, the same as Muslim criminals called Blaagaards Gang (Loyal to the Family) are collaborating with secret service. They follow immigrants and attack them or simply give information to secret service. There is no line between criminals and Danish PET, obviously PET Nazis misuse their job to get money from drugs and give protection to criminals about police (cops are also working for PET). I was attacked, as other people too, by Blaagaards Gang and I am followed several years by Hells Angels, there are no PET spies when HA are around, it means they do spying job for Danish secret service (PET is short name for Danish secret service). Considering activists, they should be aware that organized criminals are right hand of secret service, in every country, in Copenhagen mentioned gang attack People House in Stengade 50, it was place for organizing protest in December 2009 (climate summit), they attack and people who come there, etc. It is the same if activists are attacked in the prison, it is ordered by secret service and done by guards and criminals. You should not trust to the people working for criminals, if they have drug dealers in place you visit, be aware they can sell you (or to your friend) dirty drugs and you can die or get some disease. Secret service use criminals against political activists, and criminals can use their dealers in some squat or place visited by activists.
Here is longer topic about Methods of work of secret service.
First thing I must say that everything about secret service (intelligence, secret agency, Danish PET, however you call it) is secret and cooperators of secret service misuse it to say: conspiracy theory, science fiction, etc. Only Snowden that worked for NSA could say something and spies could not say he speaks science fiction. So, even if you find just a piece of this text useful, it is good. By the way, cooperators are people who cooperate with PET and they get privileges and money but don’t get salary as PET agents who are employed as spies. For example, I saw one idiot dressed like autonomen in Sept.2009, 4 months before protests, I saw him he visited stroberiet with 2 girls (above blaagards bibliotek) and possibly he visited other places for activists. He had about 7-8 cooperators who give him reports what they know about people, in places where come immigrants. One German later told me he is working in some immigrant organization and I was thinking: why racists help to refugees? but then I remembered, they “help” them to be able spy them (to collect information about them). Where are immigrants, there are PET spies. I am illegal immigrant from 2007 in DK and I never contacted any refugee organization (I don’t trust them) and I didn’t ask gov for political asylum or anything. In the meantime they abolished visa for people from my country. Now I see I made good decision. The only problem is that I had to use racist red cross, they are the same shit as refugee org, churches/priests and other PET cooperators.
Second thing, even if you think all this is shit, you can learn more about methods of work of secret service if you read website of glenn greenwald and if you read cointelpro documents (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlKP5fgY4C0 fbi war on black America). Some things don’t change: methods of their work, what FBI did before 50 years, they still do it today, and Danish secret service (PET) does the same. What they did against Martin Luther King, they do it today against anti-war activists, anarchists, and all other spectrum of activists, against Muslims too and in the last period they started war propaganda against Russians. You didn’t know that one of leader of Black Panthers had body guard who worked for FBI? Chief of security for Black Panthers too, but the point is that spies worked a lot to get trust of other people and all the time they worked for FBI, they can give to FBI and plan of your home, where you sleep, so, when police make raid, they know where to shoot (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/g-flint-taylor/the-fbi-cointelpro-progra_b_4375527.html). Don’t be surprised if your girlfriend/boyfriend is working for secret service. But the point is that you don’t become paranoid. It is just an example, here is another one, PET and all secret services use women to spy ambassadors in their countries, they use women to have sex affairs with embassy personals and to get information or to blackmail them to give information. Therefore, people who get a job in embassies must pass course about security because they are target of secret service and they can be involved in dirty games.
Glenn Greenwald website: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/
Cointelpro: http://www.krusch.com/books/kennedy/Cointelpro_Papers.pdf
So, if you just read first link, this forum post is useful.
Third thing, very important thing: anarchists should separate critics from propaganda, in that way, we don’t put finger on somebody who criticize us to say, “he is working for secret service”. Anarchists must stay open for critics, but they should recognize propaganda made by spies to destroy our groups and to isolate militants. If I criticize anarchists, it is OK, I can have my opinion, even if I think that somebody (or a group) is shit, it is my autonomy to have my opinion about that person or group. But if I behave like obsessed with some person/group, I speak against him/her/them all the time, million times everywhere, you should activate alarm in your head and be careful about me, maybe I work for secret service and I have a job to make bad picture about them. That’s what German secret service did in the time of Red Army Fraction, they activated their spies to speak against them, to isolate them, to destroy support of people for them. They do it today against Muslims, they make forum posts, website/news comments, YouTube channels, they make propaganda against Muslims in million places. All of that is done by spies, and as you can see, all spies are racists. Spies create consent of society for war for oil (imperialism), they produce hate for victims of war (Muslims in Iraq and other countries, Iranians, Russians or Venezuelans in the future), they make them monsters in the eyes of west Europeans, they produce fear about them (to get more informants among ordinary people who will even report Muslim for standing on the corner), and beside all of that, they infiltrate their groups in the west. Spies also corrupt Muslims, among others, they give privileges to Muslim criminals like Blaagaards Gang that got the job from PET to attack Folkethuset (stengade 50) because it was place for coordination of protest in Dec.2009. So, folkethuset has problems with criminals, but behind criminals is secret service (PET). PET makes revenge and they destroy place that served as meeting point of resistance. They attack people who come there and they will try to shut down that place, I didn’t follow how much they succeeded, but I read sometimes news about attacked people and I think house was closed one period. That’s work of secret service. Infiltration of criminals in Christiania is also work of secret service, to make them bad in eyes of society, and to attack them with police. The aim is to send cops to overtake Christiania (property in the center of the city) and to sell it to the rich people. So, behind criminals is secret service and behind PET are politicians who want money and business possibilities for riches (rich people finance political parties). Conspiracy theory without proof? There is no proof about PET, they don’t document illegal things they do, they don’t write: Today we met leaders of some gang and made deal with them to use their members to attack political activists who come to Stengade 50, and we will protect leaders of gang from police or we will take care that judge give them 50% smaller punishment that they would usually get. Don’t be surprised when you read news: criminals got sentence less than 2 years of prison for shooting people, while an anarchist get 7 years for trying to burn property (police academy). It is everything work of PET, in this example, influence of PET on judicial system (judges and prosecutors).
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